Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

history of the town of dried cassava

At the time Gunungkidul still a wilderness, there is a village inhabited by a few people escape from the Majapahit. The village is Pongangan, led by R. Katong god brother king UB. After R Gods Katong Katongan moved to the village 10 km north Pongangan, son named R. Suromejo build Pongangan village, so the longer the rama. Some time later, R. Suromejo moved to Karangmojo.
The development of the population in the area Gunungkidul was heard by the king of Mataram Sunan Amangkurat Amral based in Kartosuro. Then he sent Senopati Ki Tumenggung Prawiropekso to prove the truth of the news. Having stated the truth, Tumenggung Prawiropekso advised R. Suromejo to ask for permission from the king of Mataram, because the area was within the realm.
R. Suromejo not want, and finally there was the war that resulted in her death. So also two children and daughter. Ki Pontjodirjo who is the son R Suromejo finally surrendered, by the Prince Regent was appointed Sambernyowo Gunungkidul I. But Regent Mas Tumenggung Pontjodirjo no long-serving because of the determination of regional boundaries between the Sultan and Mangkunegaran Gunungkidul II on May 13, 1831. Gunungkidul (other than as a regional enclave Ngawen Mangkunegaran) into the district under the rule of Yogyakarta Sultanate.
Tumenggung Pontjodirjo replaced Mas Mas Tumenggung Prawirosetiko, shifting the position of the district town of Ponjong to Wonosari.
According to Mr. RM Suryodiningrat in his book "Peprentahan Kejawen Praja" which strengthened the book de Vorstenlanden 1931 issue of GP Rouffaer writings, and in his opinion BMMr.AK Pringgodigdo Onstaan ​​En Groei Mangkoenegorosche het van Rijk, the establishment of Gunungkidul (administrative region) in 1831 one year after the WarDiponegoro, along with the formation of other districts in Yogyakarta. Stated that "Goenoengkidoel, wewengkon pareden wetan lepen opaque. Poeniko siti maosan palace at the time sami kaliyan Montjanagari kino, under ipun Pepatih Dalem dados.Ing tahoen 1831 Nagoragung sarta Mantjanagari-nipoen Ngajogjakarta sampoen dipoen wars, Mataram dados 3 wewengkon, dene Pangagengipoen wewengkon satoenggal-satoenggalipoen dipoen wastani Boepati Wadono District kaparingan sesebatan Toemenggoeng, inggih poeniko Sleman (Roemijin Denggong), Kalasan and Bantoel. Siti maosan palace on Wednesday at Compassionate dipoen koewaosi Boepati Wedono Pamadjegan Dalem District. Ing oegi Makanten Sentolo wonten Pengageng district ingkang kaparingan sesebatan Riya. Goenoengkidoel ingkang nyepeng siti maosan dalem sesebatan nipoen Riya. "
And the efforts made by the committee to track Gunungkidul Anniversary in 1984 both revealed by the facts of history, research, data collection from community leaders, experts and a list of existing literature, finally determined that the District Gunungkidul with Wonosari as the seat of government was born on Friday Legi dated May 27, 1831 or 1758 Je 15 Great decree and confirmed by Regent Regional Level II Gunungkidul No: 70/188.45/6/1985 on Stipulation day, date month and year Anniversary Gunungkidul signed by regent was Drs KRT Sosro Sultanate dated June 14, 1985.
While legally, Gunungkidul status as one of the county district entitled to regulate and administer its own affairs in an environment of Yogyakarta Special Region and based in Wonosari as the district capital, set on August 15, 1950 with Law No. 15 Year 1950 jo Government Regulation No. 32 in 1950 at the time led by KRT Labaningrat Gunungkidul.
In order to perpetuate the Day of Gunungkidul built a monument inscription on the tomb of the first regents Mas Tumenggung Pontjodirjo with labeled Suryo Sangkala and Condro Sangkala reads: REAL wig MANGGALANING NATA "HANYIPTA TUMATANING SWAPROJO" Menuruut Suryo Sangkala in 1831 reversed in 1381, was reversed in 1758 Sangkala Condro 8571.

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